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About the company

We are a young, dynamic and efficient Latin American organization. We specialize in the creation and fabrication of aromatic ingredients and specialty additives for companies that manufacture pet food and mass consumption products. Our goal is to provide companies that produce balanced food for pets with new effective products that combine and are perceived to improve the quality of their food.

With 30 years since its foundation, we still maintain an active and growing market participation in Latin America, thanks to our specialists in Research, Marketing, Quality, Production and Service give us a significant competitive advantage.

We develop innovative solutions of integral palatability for pet-food manufacturers, destined to improve food quality and pets well-being. Experts and engineers support customers directly in their factories to integrate our additives and aromas in industrial manufacturing processes.

Our marketing and sales team continuously investigate new releases and market trends, and from this information we analyze many factors: development conditions, breeds, growth stages, local environment, nutritional requirements and mainly the wishes or aspirations of their owners, key to achieve success.


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Market Information

3+ MIN

World Cat Day

Cats are considered strictly carnivorous animals, so they have higher protein and essential amino acid requirements. Diets must meet the required nutrients, and also be palatable to encourage and maintain food consumption. A complete and balanced diet is not enough if the intake is not optimal for each animal. Cats have a developed sense of smell that helps them evaluate the nutritional content of food. This helps them choose favorable foods and reject unwanted or potentially harmful ingredients. If it detects an unpleasant aroma, the cat will not eat the food. When compared to other species, cats have fewer taste buds (approximately 470), they have a less developed sense of taste than dogs (1,900) or humans (9,000) for example. Additionally, cats do not perceive sweet flavors since they lack receptors for compounds such as sucrose, fructose or glucose. This gives the aroma of food a great importance, since it is the first filter that cats use to determine if a food is appropriate for consumption and if they will give it a chance and try it out. This strategy allows the cat to use organoleptic information to identify the composition and nature of the food. Cats will first smell the food and if it meets their standards, then they will try it. When formulating cat food, the use of flavoring additives helps achieve these two aspects: improving the aroma and generating flavor. The first has an initial impact and encourages the animal to try the food. After the cat tries it, its taste needs must be satisfied to ensure that it will continue consuming its food. This is where the importance of flavor comes in, since each animal must be fed until its nutritional requirements are met. Flavoring additives can be composed by a mixture of several compounds. Among them essential oils, oleoresins, artificial flavors, protein hydrolysates (liquid or powder), distillates or chemical compounds. These can be used in combination and must be designed according to each project, considering the form of application and objective of each product. Formulation may vary if it is targeted for canned or dry foods, for example. Hydrolyzed palatants are the most used by the industry. These bring proteins from various sources to a hydrolysis process, paying importance to the quality of these protein sources. As a result, a base with a large number of peptides and free amino acids is obtained. By knowing the composition of this base and generating a reaction process at specific and controlled temperature and time, different aromatic compounds are created as a result of Maillard reactions. These directly influence the smell and flavor, being highly palatable to our pets. Regarding this, we cannot ignore the concept of integral palatability, where several factors play part such as: particle size, texture, shape, smell, flavor, and general composition of the food. In addition to its ingredients, these other factors affect palatability as well: moisture, origin of the proteins, composition of amino acids, acidity, quantity and origin of the fats used and avoiding the inclusion of bitter compounds. To please the tastes and demands of cats, Callizo Aromas has developed a line of additives that improve the acceptance and consumption of food, which include: liquid and powdered hydrolyzed palatants, flavor enhancers for canned products, acidifiers and a complete line of flavors specially designed with the aromatic notes that mostly attract each species. For more information, contact us! By: Callizo Aromas


3+ MIN

Soft Kibbles in Pet Food: A step forward in the trend towards humanization

Many pets prefer wet food over dry food because they have textures similar to meat and are easy to eat or chew. On the other hand, they can be more complicated to offer, they are usually less available in the market and are almost always more expensive. Some owners may not like them because they generate some mess during the intake. Soft kibbles combine the benefits of wet foods with the ease, availability and practicality of dry foods. Soft or semi-moist kibbles refer to dry kibbles with a soft, elastic texture and a higher percentage of moisture compared to traditional dry pet foods. They´re an intermediate between dry and wet pet food or sauce. In the market you can find pet foods with only soft kibbles or in combination with dry foods. Every day there are more and more manufacturers that incorporate this type of innovation in their formulas, since many pets prefer them and we can produce them on the same production line as dry pet food.  For the manufacturing of soft kibbles, it´s necessary to incorporate additives that provide plasticity, moisturizing properties, emulsifying, texturizing and palatant agents. The elaboration process includes variables whose purpose is to achieve high gelatinization and expansion of starches, moisture retention (15-17%) and care for the integrity of the kibble itsef. The success lies in great extend on the managment to keep the soft kibbles stable over time, even if they are mixed with dry food. The final product achieves higher moisture at a low Aw (0.65) thanks to the inclusion of moisturizing ingredients. These help keep this value low, helping to keep pet food free of microbial growth and with a long shelf life. By achieving a stable increase of moisture within the Kibbles, it´s possible to recover row material, which will be reflected in economic terms at the end of the day. Palatability and acceptability are markedly increased in dry pet foods that include a percentage of soft kibbles. As we can see in Table 1, the intake ratio is consistently higher in a food with 15% soft kibbles, compared to a food without inclusion. Both textures, soft and crispy, and meat flavors are synergistically combined, generating greater attraction to the food. For this test, the kibbles  were produced using the formula proposed by Callizo Aromas and incorporating the Zoasoft additive.     The production of soft kibbles also requires paying special attention to the selection of the ingredients included in the formula, and to the conditioning and extrusion process. These are going to be key to the successfull production of  this type of pet  food. Drying, mixing and packaging are variables that must also be managed to ensure the product keeps its properties. With the inclusion of soft kibbles in the mix, it´s possible to overcome a barrier towards humanization, which constitutes a very important innovative marketing tool. Undoubtedly it has become in an instrument of marketing, differentiation, relaunch and positioning of the brand. Written by Callizo Aromas Source: All Pet Food 



Andrés Romero Larrauri
