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Benefits of modern batching systems

8+ MIN

Benefits of modern batching systems

Batching systems play an important role in product quality and plant efficiency for pet food and treat processors. Equipment design can ensure product uniformity, consistent product flow, and efficient changeovers from batch to batch. There are a number of common options for batching systems in pet food and treat applications, and processors must consider several factors when looking to upgrade their facilities. Evaluating batching systems 'When considering an automated batching system for pet food ingredients, it is important to look at several factors which will influence the type of batching system recommended and optimize ingredient cost savings and overall ROI,' said Sharon Nowak, business development manager, Coperion K-Tron USA Food & Pharmaceutical Industries, Sewell, N.J. 'The top three for consideration include batch accuracy required for the specific ingredient, desired batch times, and overall plant design considerations including height limitations, space requirements, and support structures for the batching system.' 'It's a little different for everyone,' added Matt Lueger, vice president of sales, NorthWind Technical Services, Sabetha, Kan. 'But the big factors that we typically see are accuracy, traceability and flexibility. Most customers not only want a system that consistently produces a quality product, but also tells them what went into each batch without restricting their ability to continually change their ingredients or recipes.' Pete Ensch, chief executive officer, WEM Automation, LLC, New Berlin, Wis., agreed on the importance of traceability for today's processors. 'The batch system needs to incorporate lot code traceability,' he said. 'Pet food producers' value is directly linked to their track record of producing safe quality food. In the event that something goes wrong, you need the ability to quickly track the problem and contain it. Traceability needs to be automated and working in the background. Beyond the safety side, traceability also helps to control inventory management and control, and can be linked back to your ERP to help automate purchasing. This keeps production flowing and controls cost.' Other factors to take into consideration include throughput, types and quantities of product that need to be conveyed, and quality and repeatability. 'At the end of the day, you need a batching system that can accurately weigh out your ingredients and consistently mix them,' Ensch explained. 'Pet food has some unique challenges in that there are many different ingredients with a variety of densities and flow rates. Several of the raw ingredients, because of the nature of protein, have a significant amount of variability. Equipment and controls need to be able to handle the de variety. All of the downstream processes like extrusion and drying perform better if you provide them a consistent, quality input.' Batching options Modern batching systems are designed with factors such as accuracy, reliability, traceability, flexibility and food safety in mind. 'Due to the increased food safety regulations and requirements to adhering to exact ingredient percentages in a given pet food recipe, the use of high accuracy LIW [loss-in-weight] batching using gravimetric screw feeders is quickly becoming the most reliable batching device of choice,' Nowak said. 'LIW batching utilizing Coperion K-Tron high-accuracy screw feeders provides a significant accuracy and process time advantage over traditional GIW [gain-in-weight] batch techniques. LIW batching is used when the accuracy of individual ingredient weights in the completed batch is critical or when the batch cycle times need to be very short. In addition, LIW feeding affords broad material handling capability and thus excels in feeding a wide range of materials from low to high rates.' Regardless of feed rates, LIW batching can offer accuracy, speed and variability benefits over traditional GIW methods. (Source: Coperion) 'There are several different types of batching systems,' added Joe Lewis, marketing, Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc., Sterling, Ill. 'These include semi-automatic hand prompt/add batching systems, semi-automatic self-contained 'kitchen type' batching systems, and automatic batching systems.' Utilizing different systems and features allows pet food and treat processors to fine-tune the batch process from start to finish. Options include manual or automatic batch delivery, various ingredient storage methods, and integration to the ERP system to communicate production schedules and ingredient usages. 'Most modern batch controls have dozens of features, but a couple of useful ones for pet food are an order grid and automatic bin level checking,' Ensch said. 'An order grid includes order number, formula name, the amount of material to be produced, the required date, destination bins and comments. The grid can have orders entered direct or interfaces with your ERP system. Automatic bin level checking has the system check bin levels of each ingredient in a production run prior to starting the batch. The system will alert the operator of any insufficient ingredients. 'Another useful feature is production usage tracking and inventory management with lot code tracking,' Ensch added. 'This allows the batch system to track material used for each production run, batch, and track respective lot codes for ingredients. Statistical process control (SPC) charting is one more feature that's great for fine-tuning the batch process. A system tracks the production data to the level to produce statistical process control charts. Being able to understand when a system is in control or out of control and having the data to either troubleshoot it or reduce variation for greater accuracy can change your business.' Product quality  There are several ways in which batching systems can impact product quality. 'Vacuum conveying systems help to provide the right amount of ingredients or final products to the next processing or packaging step,' said Andrea Bodenhagen, communication and content manager, Piab Vakuum GmbH, Butzbach, Germany. 'Thanks to the closed system, it also provides a dust free environment and protects the product from contamination. While the pet food industry is often still using mechanical or manual material handling, vacuum conveying systems are state of the art in the pharma and food sector. Pet food manufacturers, therefore, benefit from the long-term experience of Piab in these sectors as well as all the developments that have been done for these industries to keep the original product quality during the conveying process.' 'Batching systems play a significant role in the overall product quality of pet food and treats,' Lueger said. 'Not only in the accuracy and consistency of the ingredients that make up the product, but also in the visibility of what went into the product in the event of a quality issue. Batch reports and historical trends can go a long way toward preventing future product quality issues.' Jim Gaydusek, sales director, United States and Canada, Cozzini LLC, Chicago, agreed that batching systems have an important role to play in consistency and product quality. 'One of the greatest benefits is consistency from batch to batch,' he said. 'Auto management of recipes removes much of the human factor and reduces processing error. Scales accurately weigh the ingredients to ensure the proper weight(s) get added and the HMI [human-machine-interface] can sequence through the processing steps according to the program.' Plant efficiency Batching systems can also impact plant efficiency for pet food and treat processors. 'In addition to improving product quality over traditional manual weighing methods, the automation of the material handling/product transfer as well as the batching can greatly affect overall efficiency,' Nowak said. 'The use of automated dispensing systems, which can also integrate pneumatic conveying systems for material transfer, can greatly reduce the amount of human interaction as compared to manual methods of weighing and transfer. This maximizes social distancing and adheres to strict COVID guidelines of safety. 'Properly weighing and accurately delivering the ingredients without manual intervention can result in a number of process advantages, including overall food safety, fewer mistakes, better accuracy, lower bulk costs, improved product quality and savings in manufacturing costs,' he added. 'Eliminating manual batching reduces scrap costs, increases efficiency and throughput,' Lewis noted. 'Automatic systems can be customized with multiple scales for speed of batch production without sacrificing accuracy or quality, resulting in fast high batch rates and accuracy of weighments. Dust containment and collection options for automatic batching systems improves safety and operator efficiency.' Processors must be able to track and trace each ingredient throughout the process to ensure quality and safety and, in the case of a product issue, pinpoint exactly where and what went wrong. (Source: Coperion) To maximize overall efficiency, factors such as system design and sequencing must be taken into account. 'You want a system that moves from one batch to the next seamlessly and with little idle time between batches,' Ensch said. 'Some of this is system design, things like having holding vessels, surge bins and multiple scales so that you can weigh up ingredients before the mixer; optimizing cleanout times between batches and changeovers; the use of high and low bin level indicators and automated routing to make sure the batching system is never starved for ingredients. The system must manage all the timing, so the batching process is nearly continuous in nature.'  New advancements Batching systems continue to evolve to meet changing needs and requirements. Modern batching systems now have huge advantages over their predecessors in a multitude of areas. 'Over the past decade the number of different types of formulations and the raw ingredients used has grown exponentially,' Ensch said. 'This has made batching systems larger and more complex. Having a blending control system that has formula-based scaling and mixing parameters is extremely helpful. The trend of higher protein pet food has also increased the content of fibrous protein ingredients, which have the much greater variation. Formulations contain many ingredients and there is a need for a batch system that can measure major, minor and micro ingredients with very low dispersions like vitamins and minerals.' 'There have been a significant number of design improvements to batching systems for pet food and treat processing,' Nowak said. 'They include improvement in weighing technologies and batching controls, improvements in overall design of equipment to improve cleanability and food safety while minimizing downtimes, improvements in feeder design options ideal for difficult flowing materials, and improvements in feeder technology to alleviate pressure/vacuum influences on the feeder output.' Advancements in technology have also vastly improved traceability of ingredients. 'The amount of technology that is utilized to track and trace ingredients continues to evolve,' Lueger noted. 'From simple bar-coded lot numbers on bags to RFID [radio-frequency identification] tracked totes/IBCs [intermediate bulk containers] and hoppers on tracks or AGVs [automated guided vehicle]. Innovation and technology gains continue to support traceability regardless of size, equipment configuration, system capacity, etc.' By Richard Rowlands & Matt Lueger  Northwind Technical Services - Pet Food processing 

Key Technology designs sorting solution for Pet Food Processors

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Key Technology designs sorting solution for Pet Food Processors

 The sorter is designed to identify and remove foreign material and product defects to eliminate cross-contamination, improve product quality and safety, and minimize labor. The solution can be configured for various pet food formats and products, including kibble, chews and treats that are dried, dehydrated or freeze-dried. The VERYX sorter can be installed at the end of a production line to ensure final product quality, or upstream near raw receiving to inspect ingredients for a wide range of products, including wet pet food formulas. The VERYX sorter can detect color, size, shape and structural properties, with the capability of removing defective products or ingredients, plastics, glass, paper and other foreign materials. 'Our vibratory conveyors and mechanical grading systems have had a strong presence in this industry for a long time – almost every leading pet food brand around the world relies on our equipment, and we understand their unique needs,' said Marco Azzaretti, director of marketing at Key Technology. 'Now that these processors are seeing the value of digital sorting, we've leveraged our pet food application expertise to develop VERYX for these applications. Consumers are demanding higher and higher quality pet food, and VERYX can help manufacturers elevate their product quality to the level of human grade while improving the efficiency of their operation.' VERYX sorters are equipped with optimal cameras, laser scanners, lighting, ejection systems, product handling and software tailored to each customer's needs. The laser scanners and cameras provide images that are twice the resolution of previous sensor technology, which increases its ability to find small foreign material or defects. The solution also offers a 360-degree view of each piece of product. The sorter can also be fitted with proprietary Pixel Fusion™ technology by Key Technologies, which can combine data from multiple cameras and laser scanners to provide a clear identification of difficult materials or products. This tool also enables the company's FMAlert™ tool to notify operators of critical quality problems so corrective action can be taken quickly. It also helps with documentation of quality events. Key Technology includes its Discovery™ software suite with every VERYX sorter, which collects, keeps and analyzes data in real-time. This software can help manufacturers identify patterns and trends to improve operations from raw materials to sorting. VERYX can be integrated with Key Technology's vibratory and mechanical grading solutions applicable in pet food processing environments. The company's material handling solutions are designed for sanitation with fully-welded frames, nickel-plated finishes, oil-free drives, optional pan covers and other hygienic features. By Jordan Tyler – Pet Food Processing

PLP Systems pilot plant for continuous coating

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PLP Systems pilot plant for continuous coating

There was a key change once a continuous coating test plant was developed in our company that can reproduce the full capacity of the industry demands, to minimize the difference in results between a laboratory test compared to actual production. This internal continuous coating test plant is used for: Technological innovation of PLP and know-how to compete in the market with the application of pellet coating. Customers looking for creative applications are available to perform testing and developing new products for your pet food by coating them with powders or flakes such as spices, vegetables, cheese, flavors, nutritional agents, etc. Too to coat semi-moist or baked pet food. Customers who want to test PLP technology before purchasing the system can perform the test of the complete coating line.     The pilot plant can be adapted for different products with a production capacity from 300 kg / h to 15 ton / h, managing different densities. It is equipped with a precise gravimetric continuous dosing of the main product (croquettes) carried out by means of a weighing tape or a weighing thread. Dosing of liquids by pump and flow meter and dosing of powders by weight loss feeders. All controlled by the automation and proportional dosing adjusted by frequency control drives. The test plant can be integrated with 3 different PLP coating technologies: DRUM ROTARY; COVER WITH DOUBLE AXLE BLADES; MASS SPIN COATER.   ROTARY DRUM       The latest development over the more traditional rotary drum, this machine is specially recommended for semi-wet products, small extruded or granulated pellets and lower production capacity. The special corrugated shape of the drum increases the rotation of the product, at the same time protects it from damage and reduces waste inside the machine, making it a perfect machine to be used in food application or with special kibbles for pet food.   CONTINUOUS COVER WITH DOUBLE AXLE PADDLES     It is our most widely used machine for standard pet food production and has received the majority of R&D improvements during the last years. There are different models that can cover all required production ranges with high liquid inclusion rates or fats. The focus of the machine is the retention time and this is achieved by regulations of speed independent of the axles, internal dampers and automatic check valve in the output of the product. The retention time in standard pet food production it can reach up to 200 seconds.   MASS SPIN COATER     Compact continuous cover used to add micro liquids up to 1%. The MSC integrates a continuous precision weighing technology, based on Coriolis forces. Thanks to a nozzle special is able to obtain a perfect homogeneity even when the inclusion rates are less than 0.1%.   Source: PLP Systems

KSE Process Technology  - Measures in Relation to the COVID19 virus

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KSE Process Technology - Measures in Relation to the COVID19 virus

In relation to the COVID-19 virus, we try to support everyone who copes with these challenging circumstances and do our very best to service our customers as normal, while protecting the health of everyone involved. KSE highly values its continued 24/7 support to customers around the world. Our service employees remain available to provide remote assistance and advice as usual. However, current travel restrictions and regulations make it difficult to provide on-site support. That is why we only carry out work on location in case of emergency and only when it is possible to travel to – and work at – the plant safely. These measures will be in effect at least until April 6th, 2020; following the guidelines of the Dutch authorities. Please be informed that: We take responsibility for the health of our employees and will follow all regulations and guidelines to the best of our ability while we continue to service our clients. KSE works with local agents around the world who are often able to provide local support. These restrictions do not apply to cargo therefore, shipments will be carried out as planned. Our sales and service department will remain available by telephone, e-mail and social media. Where possible, we recommend the use of video call apps, as a temporary alternative to in-person meetings. We are always available for advice and support and aim to provide the best possible solutions and service, with the health and safety of all people as our highest priority. In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our representatives. With kind regards, Adriaan Smulders, CEO. KSE Process Technology B.V.

Protecting Pet Food ingredients with durable, accurate ingredient handling systems

6+ MIN

Protecting Pet Food ingredients with durable, accurate ingredient handling systems

Many processing applications in the pet food and treat industry can be particularly harsh with high rates of very abrasive products, so equipment must be designed with tougher standards in mind from the ground up. In addition to being durable, equipment must be accurate, easy to clean and efficient to operate, and support food safety. Dave Carney, area sales manager at Bühler Aeroglide, Cary, NC, notes the increased sanitation requirements of today's equipment have driven changes in how they are designed. 'This requires more modularity and ease-of-access to enable customers to adhere to these demands,' he said. Jessica Stank, marketing manager for Lake Odessa, Mich.-based Automated Process Equipment Corporation (APEC), said the biggest trends she is seeing in material handling equipment are related to improvements in the level of efficiency they can provide. '[End users] are looking at ways to automate their process and are looking for equipment that is highly accurate and requires little human intervention to achieve the desired result,' she said. 'Thus, equipment manufacturers are making design improvements to help meet this demand for increased efficiency in processing facilities.' Improvements include specialty components such as capacitive load cell technology on weighing equipment, special bin designs and bulk bag unloaders with massagers or added vibration to assist with product flow. The biggest challenges stem from the types of ingredients used in pet food processing. Stank said certain common dry ingredients are prone to flow issues due to density or other characteristics, and liquids that contain fats and suspended solids can be challenging as well. Tanks that hold fats and oils often heat the liquids. Sensors designed to monitor ingredient levels must withstand harsh environments including a wide range of temperatures. 'Things like stainless steel contact surfaces, equipment that is fully enclosed with locking lids and automation programs that include track and trace technology have addressed concerns regarding safety and sanitation,' she said. Due to Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requirements, pet food processing facilities have moved to food-grade equipment and components that have increased the level of sanitation in plants tremendously. Keeping ingredients contained inside fully enclosed equipment prevents fugitive particles from making their way into the air and onto the floor, which also improves worker safety. Steve Sawyer, factory sales, Dynatrol Division of Automation Products, Inc., Houston, said equipment needs to stand up to the harsh environments found in pet food and treat applications. 'Our customers handle large and small amounts of bulk ingredients and are requesting equipment to operate successfully on products having wider ranges of bulk densities and consistencies,' he said. Sawyer's company manufactures the Dynatrol DJT Level Detectors, which are sensors that provide information on product levels within hoppers, offering high-, intermediate- or low-level detection in temperatures exceeding 300 F. 'We have added a line of specialty coatings for detectors to protect components from steam cleaning and aid in decreasing build-up while not affecting sensitivity,' Sawyer said. This maintains the product's accuracy, decreases down time and increases productivity and product life. Joseph Cross, engineering and process manager, Zeppelin Systems USA, Inc., Odessa, Fla., said producers are demanding increased automation that reduces human interaction to provide labor savings and improves employee engagement by eliminating repetitive tasks. 'This has led Zeppelin to develop our Kokeisl dosing system, a way to dose ingredients in large and small amounts both very quickly and extremely accurately,' Cross said. Equipment manufacturers are challenged to deliver accurate amounts of ingredients quickly. One innovation to address this is a new valve design from Zeppelin.The Kokeisl system offers a unique discharge aid in combination with a large port and a fast-acting discharge valve that can be opened and closed from a 0 to 100% aperture in milliseconds, allowing a large flow of ingredients during the initial delivery followed by a very small trickle-feed to complete the batch with extreme accuracy and repeatability. 'By automating an increasing number of ingredients, many processes may be completed simultaneously, reducing the overall batching time and increasing the throughput of the line,' Cross said. 'Furthermore, increased automation allows for more accurate lot tracking of all major and minor ingredients, allowing for better inventory control and decreased reaction time in the rare case of recalls.' Batching systems Don Goshert, vice president and general manager, Sterling Systems & Controls, Inc., Sterling, Ill., noted the latest trends he is seeing are automatic and semi-automatic minor ingredient weighing/batching systems that dispense raw ingredients while tracking lot information and validating batched ingredient weights. 'Lot tracking with total ingredient material traceability is a requirement in many industries, particularly in the pet food, feed and agriculture, and food industries,' he said. Data collection and management of ingredients and batches from the feed processing batching control system has improved processors' ability to meet product safety requirements. For example, Sterling Systems engineers and produces customized batching control systems that can include as little or as much ingredient lot tracking and traceability as the customer wants to implement. It just depends on the customer's ability to fund and implement the tracking system, as several inventory strategies are available. Utilizing batching controls and automatic dispensing/dosing systems to handle minor ingredients can reduce or eliminate the need for reliance on personnel to manually track or document ingredient lots and weights. Automation streamlining improvements Processors are under pressure to maximize both throughput and accuracy. 'Increasing demand, custom ingredients and pet food quality enhancements have all driven the demand for increasing efficiency in the process controls and automation process systems that produce pet food, such as the minor ingredient batching systems,' Goshert said. The addition of both automation and highly accurate weighing technology can contribute to a major increase in accuracy in a pet food processing facility. 'By replacing a worker with a scoop and a scale with a computer and scale, it virtually eliminates the cost of human error,' Stank said. 'The addition of highly accurate load cells into the ingredient handling portion of the process ensures that costly ingredients are not wasted, and that the recipe is followed to the exact specifications time after time.' A mistake many pet food and feed processing plants make is attempting to justify the automation of all ingredients. Goshert said most successful operations justify ingredient batching automation by applying the 80/20 rule, as the quantity of ingredients is important, but the frequency of an ingredient's use also needs to be considered. 'If you use small doses of an ingredient in almost every formula, that ingredient may be a good candidate for automation too,' he said. When automatic systems are combined with semi-automatic ingredient processing — adding some ingredients by hand when instructed by the control system — justification can be achieved, Goshert added. Cross said equipment providers have been pushed by end users 'like never before' to provide systems that guarantee employee and food safety. 'Increasing levels of automation translates to reduced human interaction with individual ingredients and potentially hazardous equipment, reducing overall workplace injuries and improving batch accuracy and traceability,' he said. 'Also, as allergen concerns grow across the industry, fast and efficient CIP (clean-in-place) systems and the ability to fully sanitize and certify cleanliness has become more important to guarantee consumer satisfaction as well as product quality.' Heading to the future The need to design and maintain ingredient handling equipment for efficient sanitization is one challenge. Another is the evolution of the ingredients being used and how to convey them. These are both areas in which companies believe more innovation is needed. 'I could foresee being able to monitor surfaces for microbials and alert operators that a cleaning is recommended as a market request,' Carney said. Managing all possible data sources from one primary platform is becoming a priority in the pet food and treat industry. Goshert said integrating preventative maintenance planning software with ingredient batching and process controls is an important improvement. 'The demand for keeping the increasingly sophisticated and automated process systems and equipment running at optimal performance has never been greater,' he said. Localizing access to the preventative maintenance planning software from the shop floor or the corporate office area is key. 'Data tracking on the production floor integrated with ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems is essential to maximize benefits,' Goshert said. 'Processors should be sure to work with equipment and control and automation vendors that are on the forefront of data management and can provide complete data tracking with ERP integration.' Source: ADM & Pet Food Processing  

KSE to further Establish Presence in US market

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KSE to further Establish Presence in US market

The push for pet food and feed manufacturers to modernize their processing facilities is behind The Netherlands-based KSE Process Technology's plans to expand the company's presence in the US. KSE anticipates corporate mergers and acquisitions along with major technological innovations and automation will contribute to demand for the company's expertise in the North American markets.   ''Many of the [US] factories date back to the 1950s and 1960s and are primarily designed for bulk production. In the meantime, KSE is seeing an increasing demand in the US for specific animal feeds that can be produced in small series,' said Dennis van Lankeren, head of North American sales at KSE. 'The company therefore expects the American market to professionalize and innovate at an accelerated pace in the coming years. Large agrofood groups such as Nutreco are also becoming increasingly active in the US. This is a sign for us that substantial investments are in the pipeline.'' KSE is a technology company with a wide range of dosing and weighing machines, automation solutions and services for the global pet food and feed industry. To date, KSE's four projects in North America — three in the US and one in Canada — illuminated regulatory hurdles and unique challenges such as requirements differing from state to state, but Van Lankeren said KSE is establishing a presence in the US and getting to know the market better. 'We have already stationed a service employee in Ohio and the St. Louis region may follow soon. We are also considering setting up a local sales office so that we are even closer to the market. And in the longer term, we may have to set up a local production facility,' Lankeren said. KSE credits support from the Brabant Development Agency (BOM) in successfully making the step to North America. BOM has assisted KSE with establishing its American legal identity, meeting key business partners and developing a meaningful network in the US. Founded in 1973, KSE Process Technology is a global player in the field of dosing and weighing systems for the animal feed industry. From flour to maize, salt, vitamins and minerals, animal feed can contain up to 50 raw materials. According to the company, KSE's equipment, process lines and smart, future-proof software ensure that all ingredients end up in the finished product quickly and in the right dosage. The family business in Bladel, The Netherlands, employs around 160 people, including 20 R&D specialists. By Jennifer Semple

Is your factory up to the task?

3+ MIN

Is your factory up to the task?

How demand for greater flexibility in pet food formulation requires us to improve our production process Growing complexity How do you cope with the countless changes in formulation driven by market demands, FDA regulations and marketing gurus? This ever-changing landscape of powders, meat inclusions and spices to feed our beloved four-footed friends? When talking about pet food formulation, we often focus on nutrition and optimisation. But what about the factories that manufacture these foods? Are they even up to the task?
Sadly, the answer is often no. While the possibilities and demands have increased
dramatically over the last decade, our factories are lagging behind. Recipes are complicated, and many ingredients must be added by hand, resulting in hard labour in dusty areas. To guarantee quality is always up to the highest standard, everything must be track and traceable, so we can know exactly where the food is produced, what went into it and when.
In short, our factories have changed from making a simple set of diets in long runs to a high complexity of formulations and processes in shorter runs, resulting in a
battle between our needs and production capabilities. How to cope? However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. As a specialist in dosing and weighing technology for pet food, KSE has a unique perspective on this dynamic and changing landscape and first-hand experience with developing solutions to cope with the challenges.
The company offers a robust portfolio of dosing and weighing technology, including its unique dosing slide, weigher in weigher systems, containerised systems and automation, together with a specialty blend of knowledge for the pet food, premix and feed industry, built on over 80 years of experience.
It is one of a handful of pioneering premium suppliers that have invested in new technology, building production facilities all over the world with a higher level of sanitation, track and traceability, accuracy and transparency, which it refers to as the "Factory of the Future". Make it future-proof Future-proof designs are here to enable the greater flexibility that is expected of a modern-day factory. For example, a dosing slide has major advantages over its well-known competitor: the dosing screw. With a much higher accuracy, higher dosing speed and larger dosing range it can easily outperform traditional systems. Furthermore, the movement of the dosing slide activates the product and reduces bridging and rat-holing.
The use of gravity, in turn, reduces power consumption, making it a greener solution and, combined with driving weighers, it achieves higher flexibility. Unique weigher-in-weigher solutions provide single gram accuracies, making it possible to dose grams up to hundreds of kilograms using the same systems.
Another major trend is containerised systems to use as a silo or to move product around the entire factory. This eliminates contamination during
transport or when exchanging ingredients and provides the ability to have multitype products for multiple species in the same lines. All this, combined with highend technology for data analysis and optimisation, enables you to process pet food like never before. Up to the task Look at your own process and ask yourself this: "Am I able to produce everything nutritionists think up in their
lab, accurately and traceably without contamination?" If the answer is no, you know you will have to act.
Getting your factory up to this task is not just a need, but mandatory to help your brand survive. The future truly is now. Source: KSE Process Technology B.V.