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About the company

National leader in Box Pouch, we innovate in special packaging, offering intelligent solutions to add value to your products.

With packages ranging from 100gr. to 22 kg, the Box Pouch solution is made with high quality raw material. It has resistance and preserves the quality of the product, such as its crispness, softness, odor, texture and other characteristics. Easy to use, it has good performance on the shelf as it keeps the product upright and well exposed. It can be printed in rotogravure, flexography or digital.

In addition, the Box Pouch Soulpack is customizable. We create the ideal structure for your type of product with materials, design, size and other characteristics that fit your need.

Check out some solutions:

  • Internal zipper that allows you to close the product efficiently. With this option, the packaging becomes reusable, as the product's characteristics are preserved without changes.
  • Front zipper with handle that allows you to open the package more easily.
  • Laser cutting guide. It opens easier, as it avoids tearing the packaging, facilitating the process and adding value to the product. Side handle that allows to load the product in a simplified way.
  • Packaging made with 100% recyclable raw material, which has other facilities such as: laser cutting guide, internal or front zipper, and of course, the Soulpack quality.


Company News


2+ MIN

Special and nature-friendly packaging

Innovation, technology, quality, sustainability, and safety are the stars of its developments, where its main activity occurs in the Latin American and Brazilian pet food segments. Its product line includes the flat bottom Box Pouch, Stand up Pouch, Shape Pouch, and 4 seal formats. The main benefits of Soulpack packaging are: Its modern design, which enhances the product. Closure with Zipper or Velcro Ⓡ, which maintains food properties. Easy opening system that cuts straight. Handle to facilitate transportation. The pet food industry is a fast-growing segment, as is the change in pets' eating habits and their owners' behaviors. Soulpack invests in technology to accompany the market and maintain packaging efficiency and performance, but it does not stop thinking about its commitment to nature. Therefore, seeking excellence in packaging combined with sustainability is essential. Its processes are designed to avoid negative impacts on the environment. All development stages respect that value, from the correct usage of natural resources to the production inputs disposal. Soulpack's environmental management allows it to produce various packaging types with conscious resource usage. "We believe that sustainability is the future and, for this reason, we also have environmental initiatives through our packaging," says R&D Manager, Emerson Silva. Committed to this value, we have developed two new packages, presented at CIPAL 2022: 100% recyclable packaging with a high barrier Structure: PE + PE / Monomaterial Characteristics: High barrier against grease, humidity, and oxygen. Use: Human and animal food Format: Box Pouch, Stand-Up Pouch, 4 seals, and others Printing: flexography and gravure Accessories: laser cutting guide, internal zipper, front zipper, velcro, and others. Biodegradable packaging Structure: PE, PET, BOPP, KRAFT PAPER, and others Characteristics: Biodegradable containers, with technology that accelerates degradation converting the containers into humus for use in agriculture or in biogas to generate energy (according to ASTM 5511). Use: Human and animal food Format: Box Pouch, Stand-Up Pouch, and others Accessories: Laser cutting guide, internal zipper, front zipper, and others. Soulpack is proud to be a supplier of great clients that work to guarantee nutritious, formulated food to maintain animals' health and well-being. Contact us to find out more about Soulpack's special packaging, by WEB or EMAIL by Soulpack Source: All Pet Food 


3+ MIN

Soulpack is recognized with a gold trophy in a prestigious Brazilian packaging award

Soulpack Team: On the left Alexandre Silva, center Emerson Silva, on the right Caio Schlickmann.   Since 2001, the ABRE Award (Brazilian Packaging Association) has established and recognizes the innovations of Brazilian packaging in a dynamic industry that works tirelessly and has as a strategy the improvement of its packaging either through materials science, manufacturing and printing technology, design for a better experience and functionality, and the pursuit of efficiency and sustainability. In this year of 2021, 362 packages were entered. Of these, 70 were awarded and Soulpack received the gold trophy in the market category. There are several criteria that each package presents to be a winner, always pointing to how it impacts innovation and the development of the sector. The package builds bridges, accesses, messages, value and impact. Innovation for the packaging industry is its way of positioning itself and transforming itself with society, in line with its development and the evolution of its purpose. Soulpack, leader in Box Pouch, develops packaging with technological differentials, among them, the laser cutting guide system, with internal zipper. The award-winning package combined the matte finish with a design associated with the color of the kraft paper and visual identity referring to the sustainability of food production, through certifications, to the manufacture of containers produced in green PE, sugar cane, thus satisfying the needs of its customers. Sustainability is already a cross-cutting issue in the sector, it is no longer a technical term, an area within the company, but it is a pillar of business development. It is also no longer about which is the best material, but which is the best solution for people, for companies and society, fulfilling functions that range from protection, security, to the expiration date, which plays an important role. in question sustainable. In terms of quality, safety, resistance and printing, the packaging to use is the Box Pouch. Soulpack's sustainable products are developed with high-quality raw material and have better resistance to ensure the useful life of the product. They have barriers that ensure smoothness, and crunchy texture, aroma and protect against mites, fungi and others. They take up less space in transport, logistics and storage. Functionality in addition to ergonomics and structure, practical opening and closing system, with an internal zipper that maintains the properties of the food after being opened and a sustainable appeal, the Box Pouch packaging draws the attention of tutors who also care about the environment environment. In addition, it incorporates the desire for a life with healthier habits, including pets. Therefore, the combination of an innovative and sustainable packaging, combined with a line of products with natural ingredients and exclusive certificates, guarantee a unique option in the gondola and in the pet food market as a whole. In addition, seeking excellence in packaging, combined with sustainability, our processes are designed not to harm the environment. We respect all stages of development, correctly using natural resources until the correct disposal of production inputs. Soulpack's environmental management makes it possible to produce different types of packaging with the conscious use of resources.   Learn about some of these practices - Planting and cultivation of 350 native tree seedlings to add to nature, reducing the environmental impact in an entire area and in the surroundings of Soulpack; - System for collecting and using rainwater for various processes, with emphasis on the fire prevention system. In addition, the search to maintain high water efficiency for personal and productive use; - Own generation of sustainable solar energy through photovoltaic panels; - Reuse of chips for the manufacture of tiles, siding and ecological ridges, plastics, reducing the impact on the environment, by 100%, in the production of industrial waste. He thought of Box Pouch. He thought Soulpack!   Source: All Pet Food



Cristiane Guimaraes

Communication and Marketing
