The plant located in Ivoti, Rio Grande Sul, concentrates the production of the brand's feed, which bets on the natural super premium concept. In addition to it, other of the 20 lines in the portfolio are also manufactured on site.

The flag's differential, which is the use of fresh ingredients, is present in the choice of suppliers, in the transport of the finished product. This differential strictly follows a market trend.

Multispecies families boost natural market

Previously seen as a trend for the future, natural pet food has already become a current demand. In the North American market, for example, 37% of pet parents already opt for natural feed.

In addition, the humanization of pets has interfered, including the choice of ingredients for th eproduction of pet food

BRF Pet in numbers

Biofresh's journey begins before the arrival of BRF Pet. The brand belonged to HercoSul, which was acquired by the native food company in 2021. Another step in the expansion was the purchase, at the same time, of Mogiana, which is part of the current portfolio.

As a whole, the conglomerate counts with 1,300 employees, 48 of whom have been working with the company for two decades or more, and 30% of the total staff are  women.

With regard to production structures, the company hcounts with five industrial plants, four in Brazil and one in Paraguay. There is even potential for expansion. 'This is a consequence of market demand. We occupy the leadership in the segment. but we are always looking for opportunities to continue growing', says Denis Nakashima, head of marketing at BRF Pet .



If there is a desire to lead the feed segment in the future, in an extract from it, this objective has already been achieved. With its brands in the super premium natural segment, Biofresh and Guabi Natural, BRF is already at the top of the market.

Among the two dozen brands produced, there are some that are exclusive to the foreign market. The company exports to more than 20 countries, including markets such as Russia, Nigeria and Oman. But the Latin American market is the main target, where it operates in 11 countries.


Biofresh serves 3,600 pets. In the second half of 2022, the brand showed an increase in real revenue of 26%, compared to the same period of 2021. With the aim of being closer to each of these pets, BRF Pet has its own fleet of 44 vehicles and the help of more than 60 distributors.

On the factory 

Once at the manufacturing plant, the products don't even leave the truck before being tested by the company's laboratory. Based on the analyses, which can take hours depending on the content and quantity purchased, the company establishes its first barrier.
Sometimes, entire loads are even returned. 'We already signed return notes that indicated that the cargo would be destined for human consumption', reports Irina Munaro, technology and innovation consultant and responsible for the plant, highlighting the rigor imposed on the analyses.

The machines are present throughout the entire production process – from the grinding of meat to the packaging. Fresh ingredients stay refrigerated until minutes before use.

When filling, a technology used by BRF Pet to ensure greater durability for the products is the injection of nitrogen gas. This gas is responsible for reducing the action of oxygen, which prevents the pet food's oxidation process of pet food.

Duly packaged and ready for being distributed, before the product enters the truck and hits the road, there is still one last step left. The conditions of the vehicle are studied and also the possible presence of pests, which would make transportation unfeasible. Currently, BRF Pet is already experiencing a moment of modernization of its fleet, having recently started its first route served by electric vehicles.

The next innovation in the radar concerns partner distributors: it´s a test that will make it possible to recognize that other loads were loaded in that compartment and, with this information, avoiding any risk of cross contamination.

By  Panorama PetVet


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