From today on, the registration for CIPAL 2019 is open. All companies and professionals of the Pet Food industry can make their registrations on the event's website in the registration section and count with the following options:
How would you like to participate?
- Conferences + Exhibition Area
Value: USD 100. (Registering before August 18: USD 50).
It includes access to the conferences and the exhibition area during the two days of the event (September 18 and 19, 2019). Includes Cofee Breaks and Happy Hour for both days of the event.
- Access to the Exhibition Area
Value: FREE
It includes access to the exhibition area during the two days of the event (September 18 and 19, 2019). Includes Happy Hour for both days of the event (September 18 and 19, 2019).
Don´t miss the opportunity to register for the Premier Pet Food Industry event in Argentina and where companies and speakers from all over Latin America, including the US will be attending.
Follow the link for Registration:
by All Extruded
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