Tradeshow of the Pet Food Industry to be held in EXPO-GUADALAJARA
The Pet Food Forum is the main update event and networking of the pet food industry in Mexico and Latin America, a high level international forum with three conference rooms where topics on global trends in nutrition, health regulation, processes, ingredients, formulation and evolution of the market for pet food and brands, among others, will be addressed, as well as better integration among members of the production chain.
Está dirigido a empresarios, directores, gerentes y empleados de primer nivel de la industria de alimentos para mascotas: áreas de producción, compras, investigación y desarrollo, regulación sanitaria, proceso, calidad y ventas, así como proveedores de ingredientes, maquinaria y equipos, empaque, embalaje, médicos veterinarios y servicios; adicionalmente, extendemos la invitación para todos aquellos que desean mantenerse al día de los últimos acontecimientos de la industria.
The day before the Forum, we will hold for the second year, the PRE-CONGRESS ON THE RENDERING INDUSTRY, where we invite the industry of national and foreign rendering to share this space, where we will deal on topics of interest.
Hotel: Hilton Guadalajara
Nearest Hotels: Westin, Real Inn Guadalajara Expo, Ibis
by: All Extruded
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