As any veterinary professional or dog owner will know, skin conditions – such as canine atopic dermatitis - can drastically affect a dog's wellbeing. From discomfort to trouble sleeping to stress, unhealthy skin can have a huge impact on a dog's overall quality of life.
That is why, at Waltham Petcare Science Institute, we are dedicated to supporting research that could enhance the condition of pets' skin – and, ultimately, improve their lives.
A new Waltham research study published in Nature – has built on our limited understanding of the molecular composition of the canine's skin surface and how these bacterial communities help maintain skin health and prevent disease.
Going further than 'skin deep' with metagenomics
While previous studies have provided us with a broad awareness of the microbial communities present on the skin (using 16S rRNA sequencing), we have lacked a precise understanding of what is there at a species and strain level.
By using metagenomic analysis, and understanding species characterization, this new study has provided a detailed look at the specific species, strains and functions of microbes that live on dogs' skin. And by providing this level of detail, Whittle et al have given the scientific community an accurate and thorough understanding of how the skin microbiome could influence the skin health of dogs.
Four sites, four breeds, 230 types of microorganisms
In the study, the team analysed the skin microbiome of 72 healthy adult dogs, across four distinct skin sites and in four breeds.
Among other important findings, the research identified a core group of 230 types of microorganisms that are consistently found in the skin microbiome of healthy dogs. This suggests that these are responsible for maintaining skin health and play a role in supporting skin barrier function and protecting against skin pathogens.
Importantly, the research team also found that breed and specific skin sites affected skin microbial composition, which suggests that both genetics and physical environment shape the microbial community on a dog's skin.
Micky Whittle, Microbiome Research Manager, Waltham Petcare Science Institute comments:
"At Waltham, we've been leading research into the microbiome for a number of years. Significant gaps in scientific understanding still exist when it comes to the skin microbiome – this study represents an important step forward in building that understanding.'
Towards personalised pet care
The authors also highlight the potential for the development of targeted skincare products for dogs. As the researchers' state:
'As metagenomic databases grow, the potential for personalized pet care solutions based on microbiome health increases.' Whittle, M.J. et al.
Ultimately, the hope is that the identification of core skin microorganisms provides a basis for future therapeutic interventions in treating or preventing canine skin conditions.
Source: WALTHAM, Pet Care Science Institute
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