Although no specific laws characterize industrialized food (Standard, Premium, Super-premium, Special Premium, High-premium, etc.), the quality, research, and applied technologies in their manufacturing and evaluation are crucial to ensure their positioning in the market.


This article investigates the steps applied in the research process and the development of food in which science and technology are combined with the extrusion process using NIR evaluation and digestibility tests.


Extrusion process


The extrusion process has existed for centuries; Joseph Bramah developed the first report in literature in 1797 (England). It was not until 1900 that extrusion began to be used for food manufacturing by the Frenchman Alexandre P. Pigozzi and, in 1954, by the Ralston Purina Company to manufacture dog and cat food.


Extrusion is a thermal process that makes the material (powders) go through a die with holes to shape a specific kibble (ball, bones, heart, among others). It is a HTST process (High Temperature-Short Time), the most widely used method for manufacturing pet food, as dry diets are still the most sold.


Even being an old process, it always grows along with technology, aiming to meet the needs of the pet food industry and ensure excellence in its production and high-quality pet food. Besides being considered one of the most efficient, the technology offered by extrusion is also very economical for manufacturing dog and cat food, especially in terms of quality and food security compared to other processes.


Many extruders in the market aim to satisfy the most diverse process for dog and cat food. Single-screw extruders are the most affordable and used in manufacturing, especially for standard quality in which many formulations are extruded. However, double-screw extruders offer better quality and more options for shaping. Moreover, they can use more ingredients in the formulation, which is advantageous when industries want to diversify their products with Premium and Super-premium food.


Research has demonstrated that controlling its thermal or mechanical energy offers considerable benefits in feeding, for example, managing the effect on starch gelatinization by allowing it to reach the large intestine (colon) and act as prebiotics for dogs and cats. Jackson et al. (2020) discovered that identical formulated food processed in extrusion conditions of high and low shearing results in tough starch to dietary digestion, which produces potentially beneficial changes in the gut microbiome by altering starch digestion. Another benefit related to food, Alvarenga et al. (2021) altered the mechanical energy in the extrusion process and found that kibbles produced in low and middle shearing were denser (varying between 296 and 338 g/L) and less expanded than those in high shearing.



The pet food industry is constantly seeking innovation. With the high demand for new food, including fresh meat, such as Super-premium, fruits and vegetables, or insect proteins, extruders with advanced technology offer an improvement in the use of thermal energy and a reduction in mechanical energy, enhancing the nutritional quality and satisfying nutritional requirements and realities of each factory.


NIRS food evaluation


Near Infrared Spectroscopy is a technology widely used in factories to predict the bromatological condition of ingredients in pet food formulation. This technique has gained popularity in recent years with new advances in execution due to the rapidity and agility of results. Since then, this analytic technology has provided factories with rapid analysis of specifications such as the percentage of proteins, fats, ashes, moisture, and pH, among others.


With almost immediate results, it assists quality control in making decisions by accepting or rejecting the receipt of raw materials. Pet food factories also use NIRS to update the formulation program database and ensure that the composition matches the end product specifications, the labels, and the specifications of each product in its portfolio.


Technological advances make equipment calibration easier and faster for many food and animal ingredient analyses. In addition to macronutrients such as proteins and fats, it is also possible to carry out analysis with near-infrared spectroscopy, e.g., detecting if the sample is contaminated by mycotoxins or biogenic amines or calibrating it to detect adulterations and ensure product approval.


Research in other species (Montoro et al., 2023) examined chemical compounds in feces and the coefficients of apparent digestibility of the total tract. Hervera et al. (2012) evaluated the possibility of the NIRS to estimate the energy content in commercial dog and cat food. These studies strengthen the potential to help the analysis, ensuring food quality.



Therefore, nutrient composition and digestibility are essential to the qualitative evaluation of pet food since they provide results about the nutrient availability in that diet with a significant impact on animal health.


With this goal and ethical guidelines in animal experimentation, that seek to reduce the use of animals in research, many studies evaluate pet food digestibility through the in vitro method, which aims to reproduce apparent digestibility in dry extruded food for dogs and cats. Hervera et al. (2007) studied a two-step multienzyme incubation approach adapted to dogs' digestion characteristics. It consists of two consecutive incubations: the first for 2 hours with pepsin A to acidic pH and the second for 4 hours with pancreatin. After that, the material is filtered, dried, incinerated, and then the digestibility value of the dry and organic matter of the feed is calculated.


Using experimental animals to evaluate the nutritional value of food and raw materials for pets requires time, financial investment, and animal management. That is why industries can use the in vitro technique, a reliable methodology to estimate product digestibility with high reproducibility and repeatability. It also examines and probes new hypotheses in nutritional research in dogs and cats.


Figure 1: In vitro digestibility technique – Source: compiled by author


By: Josiane Volpato and Ingrid Caroline da Silva


Source: All Pet Food Magazine



Camp Montoro, J., Solà-Oriol, D., Muns, R., Gasa, J., Llanes, N., Garcia Manzanilla, E., 2023. Predicting Chemical Composition and Apparent Total Tract Digestibility on Freeze-Dried Not Ground Faeces Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Pigs. Animals 13, 2090.


Corsato Alvarenga, I., Keller, L.C., Waldy, C., Aldrich, C.G., 2021. Extrusion Processing Modifications of a Dog Kibble at Large Scale Alter Levels of Starch Available to Animal Enzymatic Digestion. Foods 10, 2526.

Hervera, M., Baucells, M.D., Blanch, F., Castrillo, C., 2007. Prediction of digestible energy content of extruded dog food by in vitro analyses. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 91, 205–209.

Hervera, M., Castrillo, C., Albanell, E., Baucells, M.D., 2012. Use of near-infrared spectroscopy to predict energy content of commercial dog food. J. Anim. Sci. 90, 4401–4407.

Jackson, M.I., Waldy, C., Jewell, D.E., 2020. Dietary resistant starch preserved through mild

extrusion of grain alters fecal microbiome metabolism of dietary macronutrients while increasing immunoglobulin A in the cat. PloS One 15, e0241037.

About author

Josiane Volpato

Zootechnician, specialized in Canine and Feline Nutrition, with a master’s degree in Non-Ruminant Nutrition. Completing a Canine and Feline Nutrition doctoral degree. She worked for 10 years in the Pet Food Industry in different areas, such as, ped food formulation, regulatory affairs, quality, and as technical manager. She works with processes that involve animal products (flour) and develops products for the Pet Food Industry.


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