

One example of this was the presentation offered by Amanda Simoes, who revealed that around 22 % of dogs and 37 % of cats in Brazilian households were purchased during covid 19 pandemic. She predicts that by 2026 demanding for pet Food and pet care products in Brazil will rise 140 percent.

Another country session showed the west European market is continiuing to offer lots of opportunities. Aleksandras Becevicius of Euromonitor International explained how the market developed during the pandemic and how it's now doing during the conflict in Ukraine .

He explained the the premium food sector had developed positivey, however for the next five years will remain the meium-priced segment. The analyst also reports an upswing in online sales during the pandemic, and he forcasted further growth in this market altought the products and services would  change and adapt to the post pandemic period once again.

Aleksandras also provided a report of the scandinavian pet market. According to Euromonitor , this market is growing faster than in other European country and its proving to be a very resistant to any crises. He believes exeptional trends are the growing segment of premium products, as well as owner's trends to hiuminise their pets.

Smart, Healthie and Organic – An Industry keeping peace

Over the past few years, trends such us digitalization, preminization and sustainability have gone mainstream and let to huge growth in manufacturer's ranges. At Interzoo, established brands and startups were present, and neary 4000 new products and highlights for dogs, cats, small mammals and some other creatures.

Current lifestyles and humanization of pets has led to new types of pet Food and health. Pet Health is increasingly becoming a key issue and custumers also want ingredients and packaging to be sustainable. Consequently the market has new pet food products with unusual recipes that combine scientific findings with sustainability and animal health.

Not all dogs are the same and that goes for cats as well. The importance of alternative source of proteins, higher welfare meat and organic vegetables is growing. Artificial additives are no longer required, as pets also have a sensitive digestive system. Diets are becoming more viried. In addition to wet and dry food, there is a growing trend for ice cream and a mixed of meat, fruit and vegetables. As a result, even animals  with dental problems can eat food without experiencing any pain.



Special inmmune system boosters following illness or very stressful periods are also available. Vitamins , immunoglobulins or hemp promise to reach our pet´s batteries.

What do digitalisation and technology have to do with keeping pets? Pioneering creative companies are developing digital solutions to make the lives of man and pet easier. For example, there are automatic app-based feeders with cod packs that dispense meals for cats alone at home. Consequently , pets can be looked after just as professionally as humans.



Consumers have long realized organic products don´t mean going without. The pet market is also reflecting this trend more and more. Regionally sourced ingredients and short transportation routes in the name of sustainability are a real benefit. Dog harneses made of natural materials , microbiological odour and stain removers , extra -light paper filters , recycling food waste and turning it into pet food are all planet friendly options and improve quality of life.

by All Pet Food 


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