At Kemin Nutrisurance, we are constantly committed to sustainability by adopting practices aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations, and implementing initiatives that seek circularity and align with the 3Rs. In the article, we will explore each principle, highlighting its importance and application in our company.
Reducing: minimize waste
Reducing waste is the base of our sustainability strategy. In 2023, we adopted various actions to minimize the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Our guidelines to manage waste are in our Solid Waste Management Program which aligns with the current Ambiental law. These guidelines not only help to prevent soil, air, and water pollution but also an efficient management of resources.
In June 2023, we began to allocate sludge from the effluent treatment plant, organic waste from the production process, and ashes from the kettle to a compost-specialized company. As in Figure 1, the process results in the production of a soil conditioner that gives added value to the waste. In 2023, these actions diverted over the 60% of waste that would end up in landfills, minimizing the need for new landfills and benefiting the soil.
Figure 1: Picture of waste circularity
Recycling: turn waste into resources
Kemin Nutrisurance also stands out for its recycling area. In 2023, we raise awareness among our collaborators about the importance of recycling through awareness campaigns on waste and recycling.
Our recyclable waste, such as plastic, paper, and craft from the packaging of raw materials and supplies are sent to a recycling plant. We have agreements with specialized companies to ensure the correct destiny and direction of recyclable waste.
We developed the social program Proyecto Nuevos Caminos: Nutriendo el Mañana, visit the link for a better understanding. One of the bases of the program is to promote recycling, especially of plastic covers, and allocate financial resources to an institution that takes in children and teens in vulnerable situations.
For two years, 2022 and 2023, we were recognized for this social responsibility initiative. In support of the program Proyecto Nuevos Caminos, we received the Empresa Ciudadana certificate and sign from the Public Ministry and State Court of Justice of Santa Catarina.
Reusing: maximum exploitation of resources
Reusing resources is essential to sustainability. In 2023, we opened up a new Effluent Treatment Station (ETS). This new structure, made with an activated sludge system, uses modern and efficient process.
The new ETS multiplied by five the treatment capacity compared to the old one, generating better quality effluent. Thinking of the efficiency in the use of resources, we have an effluent reusing system and a fertigation system. After the treatment, the effluent is sent through a fertigation system to the agricultural land area. In this way, we reuse 100% of the treated effluent, promoting the resources reusing and contributing to the improvement of the soil and crops.
SDGs 6 – Clean water and sanitation
Our effluent management practices are aligned with the SDGs 6 that aim to improve water quality by 2030. We invested in a new Effluent Treatment Station in order to treat our industrial effluent, which entered into operation in 2023 compared to the old one. Besides using a treatment process that generates a better treated effluent, the current ETS has multiplied by five the treatment capacity. At the same time, it delivered maximum efficiency removing 99% of the concentration of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). After the treatment, 100% of the effluent is reused in agricultural land areas through a fertigation system.
SDGs 12 – Responsible consumption and production
Reducing, recycling, and reusing are practices that align with SDGs 12 goal 12.5 that aim to substantially reduce waste generation by 2030. In 2023, we significantly reduce the delivery of waste to landfills, minimizing places for elimination, and adding value to the generated waste. As a result of our circularity initiatives, we also succeed in diverting 60,27% of landfill waste.
SDGs 13 - Action to combat climate change
In 2023, 100% of the consumed energy at Kemin Nutrisurance was clean and certified. It came from renewable sources and was bought at the electricity market, which is aligned with SDGs 13 goal 13.3, aiming for climate change mitigation.
During the same year, we implemented a new kettle by biomass burning. Besides having higher levels of atmospheric emissions at environmental levels, it has the purpose of reducing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) consumption. This improves atmospheric emissions rates and reduces fossil fuel consumption.
Considering scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, our emissions were 6,692 t CO2eq and 4,371 t CO2eq by 2022 and 2023. Compared to 2022, we will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 34.7% in 2023.
Our reducing, recycling, and reusing practices are integrated into each operation. We will continue innovating and implementing actions that promote sustainability, ensuring the reduction of our environmental impact and the responsible use of resources for a sustainable future.
By: Kemin Nutrisurance
Source: All Pet Food Magazine
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About company
About company
Kemin is more than a supplier of ingredients; we are a global company that transforms the quality of life.
Kemin is the science inside the countless products you interact with every day. We create solutions that help strengthen your health and well-being. We provide nutrition and immune support for your pets and production animals. We protect the planet's natural resources and are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact, and we believe in protecting the global food supply chain for future generations.
At Kemin, we always look to tomorrow. Human imagination, scientific innovation and constant curiosity help shape our company and how we serve our customers now and in the future.
We see beyond what is, in order to see what could be.
The world has been transformed since R.W. and Mary Nelson founded Kemin in 1961, but our dedication and discipline in scientific research remain unwavering, as does our energy and enthusiasm to discover new ways to improve life. Every day, we ask ourselves how we can channel our experience and expertise into new opportunities to improve the quality of life around the world.