Is produced from chilled whole blood obtained from bovine or swine slaughter of establishments authorized by SENASA, an agri-food control agency in the Argentine Republic. Made with high standards of quality and traceability, where the process of concentration by ultrafiltration and nanofiltration and subsequent dehydration by atomization, which guarantees the preservation of the functional properties, solubility and availability of proteins.

YERALBUM UF16 P is characterized as a high digestibility protein, which has a high level of IgG immunoglobulins, which is the most active immunoglobulin fraction, this IgG together with albumin are responsible for its qualities.

Yeralbum UF 16 P is used in pet diets due to its high digestibility, adequate nutritional profile and improvements in food palatability. Improves the fur of the animal.

Not having allergens, it is a protein source of choice in Premium foods. Yeralbum UF 16 P has binding and gelling power to be used in cooked wet foods.



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Fernando Barragán

Business Development Manager