How can you describe your role in the Pet Food Industry?


Since joining the pet food industry as Secretary General of FEDIAF EuropeanPetFood, I have recognised the value of my experience in the pharmaceutical industry and the number of useful links. Fundamentally, both industries share a common goal of promoting health and well-being.

The pet food industry is a dynamic sector that continuously strives to meet the evolving nutritional needs and preferences of our pets. Staying abreast of scientific research, safety, market trends and consumer demands is something to which I am accustomed. The expertise I gained in the pharmaceutical sector will support my contribution to the ongoing efforts to ensure that Europe's 340 million pets receive nutritious and safe pet food.


I must also note that personally, I have always been passionate about rescuing pets and am committed to advocating for pet welfare. My move to the pet food industry has not been a surprise to my former colleagues and friends!

I have now aligned my career with my experience and passion for pet welfare. I am truly excited about the value I can bring to the European Pet Food Industry.


How would you describe your job as Secretary General of IML Innovative Medicines in Luxembourg?


I am extremely proud of my work at IML, the voice of the private research-based pharmaceutical industry active in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Through IML's representation of 64 global companies, the association encourages therapeutic innovation in medicines for human use.

Here I played a key role in transforming the association. We worked hard to develop and introduce a new five-year strategy; we restructured its management and diversified revenue streams.

My primary objective at IML was to enhance the industry's visibility and have a positive impact on public health. This is one of the many key experiences, which I know will help shape and bring value to my work in the pet food industry.


How did you receive your new role as General Secretary at FEDIAF?


Although I have only been in my role at FEDIAF for one month (at the time of writing this interview!), I am already enjoying being immersed in a busy team. In fact, one aspect that particularly excites me is the opportunity to lead, build and guide a small team of dedicated colleagues in Brussels.

To remind your readership, our team looks after the needs of our membership, which includes 15 European national pet food associations, together with five pet food manufacturers operating in Europe. We estimate that this equates to around 150 pet food companies (200 plants) across Europe, producing 10.5 million tonnes of pet food.


This is a big responsibility for our team and one that I am embracing as the new Secretary General.


What do you think are the main challenges in this position?


My main challenge will be to support the team and deliver the 'asks' outlined in our Manifesto and three pillars. Here we highlight our challenges and objectives.

Our first pillar is to ensure the supply of nutritious products across Europe. We will continue to collaborate with authorities, regulators, and academics to ensure our members are able to continue in their supply of safe, nutritious, and palatable products. We will work closely with experts to update our Nutritional Guidelines, and Labelling Code, and also bring new, expert-written factsheets on a wide range of nutrition topics.


Our second pillar is to promote the benefits of pet interaction and responsible pet ownership. We highlight the key role of nutrition in pet welfare. This year, we have welcomed the proposed animal welfare legislation and will continue to monitor its progress. A key focus of our work is to contribute to the Pet Alliance Europe, our collaboration with AnimalhealthEurope, FECAVA and FVE where our combined voices are stronger in the promotion of pet welfare messages. This year we will also be promoting the wealth of scientific research proving the benefits of pets in terms of human health.


Thirdly, we are committed to sustainability from farm to bowl - the responsible use of resources and minimising our environmental impact. Therefore, we are monitoring various environmental developments at the EU and a national level. We are actively working on the packaging and packaging waste regulation proposal, and we continue to promote the importance of Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology for the pet food sector, especially in the context of discussion on green claims. This methodology is key to a harmonised framework and supporting consumers.



How do you see the pet food industry nowadays?


The European pet food industry is critical to the health and well-being of Europe's 340 million pets. There are around 127 million cats, 104 million dogs, 53 million birds, 29 million small mammals, 22 million aquaria and 11 million terraria, to be precise!

As the number of pets grows, so does our Industry. Annual sales of pet food products are around 29.1 billion euros, and this is a growth of 5.1%. In volume terms, the pet food market has also grown 3.5% and is currently 10.5 million tonnes. You can read more about European data in our Facts & Figures report.


And what do you think is the most important problem to be addressed this year?


With my arrival coinciding with the EU elections, I recognised that there would be challenging files to tackle. The dynamic landscape of the European Union presents a host of complex issues that require thorough analysis and diligent work. However, I am eager to take on these challenges, leveraging my experience and expertise to contribute to the advancement of the pet food industry and the well-being of pets. I will continue to advocate for its interests amid evolving regulatory and political environments.


It will be an exciting year!


For more information, please visit or contact [email protected]


Source: All Pet Food Magazine. 


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